Posture - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Consequences
What is Good Posture
A comprehensive checklist of body alignment assesses from head to toe.
Toes spread apart, high foot arch, straight knees, level hips, mild lumbar curve, mild mid-back curve, shoulders back, head above the shoulder, mouth closed, nose breathing with tongue on the roof of the mouth, well-tracking eyes
What are Common Bad Postures
There are some very common misalignments that chiropractors see every day.
Collapsed arches and pinched toes. Unleveled hips. Excessive pelvic tilt and lumbar curve. Hunch back with rounded unlevel shoulders. Forward Head Posture. Mouth breathing and shifted jaw. Poor eye tracking.
The Importance of Posture
Body alignment is crucial for overall health. misalignments of posture make us less efficient, and movement is more energy demanding. You can become tired and worn down throughout the day. Good alignment protects us from developing strains and pains from our daily activities. This is a huge benefit of good posture. We deal with the demands of life better when we have good body alignment.
What Influences Your Posture
Your posture is a reflection of what messages your brain is receiving from the body. There are important receptors throughout the body that tell the brain what the body is doing, and what position it is in. these messages are not perfect all the time. Pain and injury disrupt these messages and the brain has a fuzzy image of what the body is doing. this is called dis-afferentation. when the brain tells the muscles what to do and how to move, it uses inaccurate information and this results in postural misalignments.
The receptors from the feet, spine, eyes, and jaw are important for creating a crystal clear image for the brain to make decisions from.
Consequences of Prolonged Bad Postures
Misalignments in posture over the long term lead to many problems. It can cause recurrent pain, restricted and stiff movement, increased fatigue, dysfunctional breathing. The negative impact on quality of life is significant.
Get your posture assessment by a chiropractor, and identify which areas are feeding bad information to the brain, make improvements to your overall health